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Spirituality and Mental Health

Spirituality and Mental health

Mental health is core of all kind of health. Mental health includes our psychological, emotional and social well-being. we need to connect with something higher than mind.

Everyone wish to have a healthy life. But many of us don’t know what it really requires to have a good healthy life. How spirituality and mental health are connected, let us discuss it in this article.

What is spirituality

Every individual has their own meaning of spirituality. For some it is about participating in religious activity and for some it is person practice. Well, it can have many other aspects in it but underlying concept is that it includes a sense of connection to something higher than oneself, and it typically involves a seeking for meaningful life. It is importance for us know what is spirituality.

Oxford defines the spirituality as “The quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things”

In the Bhagwat Gita, Shri Krishna explains to Arjuna about what is spirituality —

परमं स्वभावोऽध्यात्ममुच्यते “|  (paramam swabhavo’dhyAtmamuchyate)

“Spirituality is to know, to realize and to see that supreme reality of inner consciousness (or true self).”

In ordinary life we are mostly associated with mind (thoughts, emotions, conditions etc) or better to say we become what we think but self is higher than mind. Spirituality helps in transcending the mind therefore we can disassociation with mind and establish connection with our true self which is essence of spirituality. Hance spirituality and mental health is strongly connected.

Why to take care of mental health

In my opinion Mental health is core of all kind of health. Mental health includes our psychological, emotional and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act, and helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices in daily bases. In every stage of life, we need to have good mental health. Being mental healthy can improve our productivity and effectiveness in our professional life and build health relationship in our personal life.

Spirituality and Mental health growth are closely intertwined. It hard to achieve spiritual health with achieving physical and mental health but at the same time if we incorporate some basic practice of spirituality in our daily life, it can help in achieving good mental health.

Mental health should not only be understood as just the absence of mental illness, but it is a state of well-being where an one is able to cope with the daily stress of life, work productively, and contribute to their society.

How spirituality can help in achieving mental health

Spirituality has the capability to benefit mental health in numerous ways. It gives a greater meaning to induvial of their life. Spirituality practices helps in coming out of the victim mentality, leading into being in state of appreciation and acceptance towards oneself and others. Spirituality gives sense of connectedness which service to our mental health because it is in direct opposition to the illusions of isolation and loneliness that often go hand-in-hand with psychological issues.

The whole idea of Spiritual Development is about understanding the fundamental problem of the mind because than you easily transcend the mind. Mind is condition therefore it conditions our unconditional self with various materialistic pleasures, wealth and fame expecting that will give us constant satisfaction. But when you deeply look into it, you will understand it is all momentary. It is the main reason behind constant suffering in our today’s life. Therefore, spirituality and mental health is strongly connected.

Here some the important aspect of spiritually which leads to a good mental health condition.

  • Spirituality priority self-healing through increasing the self-awareness.
  • The path of spirituality also brings up moral and ethical values in our daily actions.
  • It allows individuals to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationship with the divine
  • Spirituality increases the ability to reflect on our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours so we can make conscious choices and decisions.
  • Helps to feel and be grateful for the things we have.
  • It can help them to cope with changes and uncertainty
  • Spiritual process makes us realise us one’s true nature is completeness and limitless.
  • It develops more positive outlook on life, be more resilient, and have a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

These are the few fundamental aspects spiritually throws light on, once we address these things there is a tremendous transformation of our lifestyle and mindset.

Spiritual practices to achieve mental health

Spiritual practices do not have to be stone crushing task. Our very small to big action must take us close to our self and that is the essence of spiritual practices. Here are some of basic daily life practices to bring more juice of spirituality.

  • Start with small and easy steps
  • Develop the positive outlook towards life
  • Choose Sattvic food and balance diet
  • Include reading and journaling
  • Do some asana practices such as – Surya Nasamskar (Sun Salutation)
  • Pray or do affirmation everyday
  • Learn to take responsibility of our own action
  • Do reflect on your reaction and accept the things as they are
  • Meditate every day

Spiritual practice is crucial component of mental health because all these leads to strong and peaceful mind. They also help to alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression and other mental struggles that many people face. But also, it is important to prioritize mental health as a means of achieving spiritual growth. Spirituality and mental health both should be our priority.

About the author

Yogi Mohit Kumar Juglan

Hi, i am Yogi Mohit (Acharya Mohit kumar Juglan) practitioner and teacher of yoga based in world capital of yoga Rishikesh, India. I have been teaching yoga philosophy, pranayama, ayurveda and working as lifestyle adviser and spiritual counselor from last more than five years. I have completed master degree in yogic science from Uttrakhand Sanskrit University.